Here is where we keep you informed of latest events in the news pertaining to Bible Prophecy and Proof of Scripture
Due to Covid-19 mandates we are only doing web based lessons at this time..
We appreciate your support and your donations are fully Tax deductable
Words of Encouragement
Bible lessons will be posted here soon feel free to browse and learn
End-time study will be available soon you will enjoy a special insights that will make you think about everything you learned about
The days that are upon us We are the End-time Generation
Our sister site link Dedicated to helping Truth Ministries help the community
Click below and check out our services
Enjoy our video teaching lessons Also our channel link to watch videos you missed
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Ask anything I will do my best to get you a answer to your hardest questions and I love a good challenge . But beware you may not like the answer !
This is where I will announce special events, Meetings, Presentations. And Emergency bulletins .